tiistai 11. tammikuuta 2011

I'm experimenting

aaaaa.... yeah. That's me, I was testing my photoshop :D I know they're a bit weird, but try to endure. :D
Oh my goah, how much I like to be at school again (not that I missed school so much, more likely because the life at home started turning into hell. Last day I didn't speak to anyone (except to my little sis). Anyway, back to the school theme, my French classes started and I guess I couldn't like it more than I do now. It's so much funnier that in upper secondary, which sucked pretty much for the first 2 years.

Now! I feel I need to travel to somewhere I haven't been. I'd like to go to GB, France or Italy right now, but that's impossible. I must save money for something greater than I would ever had been able to dream of: I'm going to China!!! This spring, mommy gave me permission and signed the papers and here we go! I'm just too excited...
It is gonna be expensive, especially because I have to pay it myself, but I'll do it! No matter what lol :P

2 kommenttia:

  1. hieno toi kakkoskuva!!
    mä en tajuu, miten et päässy kulosaareen oikeesti!! toi sun englanti on jotenkin niin pro, että huh huh.
    terv. riikka, A-EN ykköskurssi 7
    p.s mikko reputti :-DD

  2. Kiittiii!! c:
    Mulla oli molemmat kurssit 9 (toinen oli vähän sellanen ihme, ku meni testit vähän niin ja näin...
    Ja go mikko!! :D


Spit it out! :D